icosahdron inscribed in an octahedron

I am an ancient Chinese warrior. I am fighting in a war for the Ching Dynasty...and I'm loving every minute of it. I am constantly killing people with spears and arrows, and I am never getting hit. I am also riding on a horse too.

double unit icosahedron inscribed into tetrahedron

There is a big battle going. Enemies are flanking left and right, and it's up to me to kill all of them. I am killing them so much, and nobody can beat me. Wow! I'm winning, and eventually I kill all the enemies.

Molecular Modeling

Now I am an old military genius for the Dynasty...my fighting days are behind me, but I know everything about tactics. I have studied war all my life, and killed thousands of people easily. I am advising the army on tactics and military strategy, and they always listen to me because I am a genius. Eventually I peacefully die in my sleep, having lived a wonderful life.

Golden Section Packing inscribed in Octahedron

Molecular Modeling