They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well how's this for a picture: a polaroid of a dame, throat slitt, breasts cut off and stuffed in her pussy, those pretty brown eyes staring right at you while you try to imagine what kind of animal would do something like this. Well it ain't hard for me to imagine--I'm surrounded by animals in this damn city. To you, it may be shocking, but to me, it's just another day. The first thing I do is look for a motive. A pretty dame like this couldn't have hurt nobody--this fella killed her for kicks. That's what kinda animals live in this city, see. The next thing to do is look for clues. Ya gotta have soft eyes in this business. I spot it on the ground, covered in blood: a business card. A place called Ed's Auto Shop. Well, well, well. I guess it's time to pay Ed a visit. I march into Ed's and immediately slug him. I tell him to tell me everything he knows, but he pretends like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I beat him to a pulp, and pretty soon he's dead. Well, so much for that lead. It seems like it'll be a really hard crime to solve so I just tell everyone that Ed did it, and now everything is fine. It was a tough crime to solve, but I did it. But that's what life in this damn city is like. If you don't like it, well then just get outta town. I'm surrounded by criminals, and I've gotta clean up the riff-raff if this city's ever gonna be safe for little Johnny and Mary to skip on down the street. Well, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it. And I wouldn't trade it for a nickel.