The Faggot Rapist

 Latitude S 29° 46' 23"    Longitude E 151° 07' 14"    Elevation 586 m

Dawn: 06:15 Sunrise: 06:39 Moonrise: 21:53 Moon
Dusk: 20:03 Sunset:  19:39 Moonset: 09:42
Daylight: 13:48 Day length: 12:59 Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 90%
They were calling him the Faggot Rapist. He would shave a woman's head, cut her tits off, hot glue gun a dildo to her pussy and then rape her in the ass. Well, who do you think they gave the job to? I was the best in the business--if anyone to catch this creep, it was me. The first thing I needed? Whiskey. Whiskey always made me think clearer. I needed a clear head to catch this fella. Just then a dame walks in, asks me if I've got a match. She's a tall glass of water, beautiful, and I want nothing to do with her. "Listen, toots, I got a job to do," I tell her, "now get the hell out of here before I have you arrested." So the broad stormed out-- what else is new? I had to think. It was a gay guy doing the raping, but how do you tell if a fella's gay or straight? I walk outside and slug the first guy I see. "Listen, punk, does this get you off? Do you like this?" I pulled my big cock out and I'm waving it in his face. "You get your rocks off to this? This what you like to see, buddy boy?" He's grossed out, disgusted--he's not my man. There are a thousand people in this town, I'll never catch the creep at this rate. Suddenly, I catch an idea. The dildos, they were all the same. If I could just find out who was buying all those dildos, I'd have my guy. I'm staking out the sex shop and waiting to see who's coming in. Suddenly a man with glasses, a real creep, is walking toward the store, when he spots me. He gets spooked. He runs off, but I catch up to him and shoot him in the back. I never miss a shot. I'm back at the office, drinking my whiskey, when another dame comes in telling me how much she appreciates my work. I say, "Listen, sweetheart, but I don't want nothing to do with you--now get the hell out of my office before I have you arrested." In this business, the trouble never stops.
Conditions at local time 07:00 on 20 February 2022
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 17.5 °C Dew Point 13.8 °C
Windchill 17.5 °C Humidity 79%
Heat Index 17.5 °C Apparent Temperature 18.4 °C
Solar Radiation 18 W/m² Evapotranspiration Today 5.92 mm
THW Index 17.5 Temp change last hour -0.9 °C
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall 2022-02-11 16:22
Rainfall Since Midnight 0.0 mm Rainfall This Month 24.6 mm
Rainfall Last 24 Hours 0.0 mm Rainfall This Year 126.4 mm
Wind Speed (gust) 3 km/h Wind Speed (avg) 2 km/h
Wind Bearing 45° NE Beaufort F1 Light air
Wind Variation (last 10 minutes) From 45° To 45°    
Barometer  1013.2 hPa Rising slowly 0.1 hPa/hr
Air Quality Index
pm2.5 - Now0.0pm10 - Now0.5
pm2.5 - 1 Hour Average 0.6 pm10 - 1 Hour Average 1.3
pm2.5 - 3 Hour Average 0.3 pm10 - 3 Hour Average 0.8
pm2.5 - 24 Hour Average 0.8 pm10 - 24 Hour Average 1.1