Beauty. Elegance. Perfection. That is what you will see at my restaurant-- the best in the world. A finely chopped onion and caviar on a cracker made from a special grain. A lovely fish on a puree made from wonderful vegetables. Roast duck on a bed of pomme le feur. Wow. At Restaurant Chavel, we are the greatest restaurant in the world. I wake up at 5am everyday to get the most amazing fish, meats, and produce from local organic farms. We spend so much time chopping and slicing everything perfectly, as well as producing great flavor. Our goal? The most amazing fine dining experience in the world...and we've done it perfectly. We charge over $100 per person, and only millionaires can eat at our restaurant. Everyone is always calling trying to get on the waiting list--even the president of the United States. But he has to wait like everyone else--we make no exceptions. A glass of fermented wine. A sandwich with edible diamonds. A plate of the finest stock. This is what awaits...only at Chavelle.